Monday, September 23, 2019

Royal oak high school special of education students joined others in attended Toy dayze an annual celebration of diversity heritage and cuisine at the Troy civic center on September 12 to the 15th how long has the event existed the festival has been ruining for 51 years this event includes carnival rides games food and  petting zoo and Troy library tent where students get the books from no cost free cotton candy and popcorn free pizzas for lunch and juice boxes and cookies free entertainment by rosco the clown he made different animals balloons charters  get out of the pool and he laughs
The includes DTE sponsorship for this specific day general quotes from other kids about want they enjoined I interview Spencer said hailey I love the rides I rode the rides and they wear fun said hailey Morgan. Who worked at the event. And made it imposable rosco the clown ride jockeys how did ,mrs wo

Monday, September 16, 2019

Fun facts about me 
I am the youngest child of the family 
I love to do sit ups for every day 
I want to be bionic